day 6 - evan garibay

today was quite the day! we started off our morning having a hearty breakfast with our field guides holly and chris before heading back to the hotel for a little bit of much-appreciated downtime. eggs, bacon, pancakes, and biscuits makes kids sleepy don't blame us!! but after a little rest and bracelet making time, we headed out to copper breaks state park to learn more about where we'd be spending the day, and to feed some longhorns! can confirm the horns were long. after feeding and kissing them (ask your child about the longhorn kiss) after the longhorn feeding, we did a little bit of hiking through the trails and got to see some great views, and take in the nature around us! after a while, we were getting hungry so we went out for dinner to a cute spot in a nearby town called quanah, texas. 

the city is named for quanah parker, the last comanche chief. on one of his many visits, he pronounced his blessing on quanah: “may the great spirit smile on you little town, may the rain fall in season, and the warmth of the sunshine after the rain, may the earth yield bountifully." quanah parker had a huge impact on the economic aspect of texas' farming industry, and was a successful livestock trader himself. the town was named after him because of his significant role in native american history. after looking around quanah for a bit we stopped at a small place on the way back. our dinner was at a restaurant called the old bank saloon. after dinner we went back to copper breaks bundled up and prepared to look at the stars at an event they call "star party" this was a great place for everyone to decompress and look at the stars as we were told stories about different constellations and stars across the sky. we ended the night pretty late and tired, so we hurried home and showered off the day before heading to bed. definitely one of the best days of the trip.
